
PAL/NTSC converter til TV

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27.09.2005 01.30.33 #1 av 1
Postet av: Geoje
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My answers are mentioned below.

>I have a question about the CMD 1200. http://www.world-import.com/cmd1200.htm We're currently in Korea where they use NTSC for TV-signal. All TV's you buy here is NTSC. We are from Norway where PAL is the TV-format used. If I understand it correctly, it is possible to use the CMD to convert the TV (not only video/DVD) -signals so that we can use a NYSC-TV to watch ordinary TV also in PAL-countries as Norway.
Yes, this understanding is correct.

>I understand it this way (in Norway): Cable from antenna/cablebox/satelite box goes into e.g. a PAL VCR (where you tune in the various TV-channels). Then you use a Video or S-video cable from the VCR to the CMD 1200 and from the box to the TV, and voila - you can see regular TV in a PAL-country as Norway on our NTSC-TV bought in Korea. Have I understood it correctly?
Yes, you have understood properly. It seems that you know what you are doing which makes my job easier.

>Due to time difference from US to Korea, the phone is not a good option. (Skyter inn - de ville ha telefonnummer i kontaktskjemaet)
Email is fine for us. Actually, our factory which makes the CMD-1200 is in Seoul, Korea. We can ship it to you direct to save time.

>Oh! One other thing - will this converter cope with different kind of voltage etc? We also need a European plug and not the American type. Can you comment on this subject?
The converter comes with both US and European plugs and the power supply works in any country automatically.

Thank You,

Peter P.
Within the USA call 877-220-8658
Outside the USA call 847-455-1974

Please note our warehouse and showroom address:
World Gift Center
9617 West Grand Ave
Franklin Park, IL. 60131

We are your source for Multi System TVs, VCRs, DVD players, GSM Phones,
voltage transformers and more for the past 25 years

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